NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
At Summit Engineered Automation, we care about technology. We love learning about where it comes from. We love watching what it’s doing to improve the world today. We love looking to the future and thinking about how and what it will revolutionize in our lives. We’re not the only ones who feel this way, either, which is why we love any opportunity to support youth that are also interested in the future of tech.
Lucky for us, we were recently given the opportunity to sponsor a team of students from local Stillwater Area High School in the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge. As is said on the website, the goal of this STEM competition is to, “challenge[s] high school and college students to create a vehicle designed to traverse the simulated surface of another world.”
This local team of brainy teens will be designing their own human-powered vehicle with the goal of scoring the most points possible. They can gain points by completing scientific tasks and maneuvering their designs through varied obstacle filled courses. Through the challenge, these students will be able to learn real-word engineering and design skills while working on their teamwork, athleticism, and outside-the-box thinking.
Our Stillwater Area High School team is showing an undeniably proactive approach to learning with their dedication to this project, since their regular education experience has been compromised due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, their team will be the first team from a Minnesota public school participating in this competition – ever! They’re reaching out to supplement their education, fill their time, and make the most of the downtime afforded during prolonged quarantine. The future of all tech industries, ours included, is riding on the creative ideas and dedication of STEM-passionate students like these. How could we possibly not help them out?
Their vehicle for the challenge will be driven by one male and one female student each pedaling the rover. Their team’s plan includes designing, planning, building, and testing all the different components that would be parts of a human-powered vehicle. Components like the frame, drivetrain, steering system, wheels, suspension system, and beyond.
In addition to engineering, this project requires them to engage with the community by speaking to over 250 kids about the project. After designing and building their vehicle, the Stillwater High team will be traveling to compete against teams from across the world, promoting interest in the STEM field and making their local Minnesota communities proud.
Join us in celebrating the tenacity and effort of these local students as they pursue this project in months to come!